I just tried to launch my windows XP virtual machine several days after upgrading to 3036 (without issue) now it tell me that the virtual machine is in use by another machine and wont let me run it. I have had this before when parallels crashed and I received the warning but could over-ride it. This time there is no such option. Tried replacing the cvs file with a backup with no luck. Tried double clicking on the hhd and it asks for an application but parallels isn't selectable. About to write this message but couldn't quite remember what the warning was, relaunched Parallels and it opens ok. This seems like a bug, you should be able to retrieve the situation where the file is left "open" by a crash (although it hadn't crashed this time). Any thoughts
Virtual Machine in use by another ... 3036 Reply to Thread (possible fix) Roger, Exactly the same problem and error for me too. Restart of Parallels didn't fix it. Previous builds had reported something like "file still in use, would you like to override lock" occassionally. If you go to your virtual machines directory with the Terminal and do a "ls -asl" look for a file called [virtual machine HDD].pvs.lock Removing that file with "rm" will fix the problem. RT
got the same problem here guys. I fixed it deleting the .lock file, but this has to be a little new bug since it never happened to me before. Cheers
I've had the same with 3036 & 3038. What fixed it for me was to just choose another VM, and then go File/Open and again choose the VM I wanted in the first place. Still, this never happened in the previous builds.
The lock file seems to only affect opening suspended VM's. If the VM's shutdown, it'll startup OK, even if the lock file exists. Never had problem with released build. Guess until it gets fixed, I can make a simple automator to remove the file, then launch Parallels... edit: seems OK now, after deleting the lock file the one time. (even tho the file is recreated). looks like it was simply corrupted when causing the "used" error.
Try Preferences from the menu. Power off option was for some reason in "suspend". Change it to "power-off". This solved the problem for me.
Help; I'm having the same problem, but can't locate the .lock file. did you find it under library/parallels?
HELP! Im a doctor not a techie Im having the same problem with not being able to reopen the VM and getting the message that it is in use. I read the "fix" but I dont understand how to FIX it. Could someone please give me concise instructions about "deleting" whatever file is locked? Should I just Downgrade to the prior more stable version? Do I need to delete the Windows XP information I loaded or will teh Delete Paralells desktopp do that? Will I have the same problem each time I try to boot up in Paralells with the current version? Also when I try to get my printer to work, the Windows VM crashes (XP), Thanks in advance for any help. Steve Palmer [email protected]
I post this issue week ago and file is been locked after shutdown rather unlock it.... hope you fixes wil come out. Most of the time it works fine and another time it don't.. what can I say.. its beta.. nothing is perfect right now.. I say wait for new fixes
Exit Parallels Launch the Terminal application (in the Utilities folder inside the Applications folder on your hard drive) Inside a Teminal command window, type: "cd ~/Library/Parallels" Type "ls" (to confirm you're in the right place; you should see a listing of .pvs and .hdd files) Type "ls -asl" Look for a file whose name begins with a dot (".") and ends in ".lock" Remove that file by typing "rm -i <that file name>" (e.g., "rm -i .winxp.1.pvs.lock") The "-i" tells the remove command to prompt you before deleting the file) Type "ls -asl" to confirm that it's gone Exit the terminal window (command-Q or type "exit" then command-Q) You might want to start a new post with a new subject for this question, so that the right folks will see it and be able to help you. Hope that helps.
As babydoc, I too am not very technical. My Mac is exhibiting the same problems, and I did go into the terminal, but suggested commands return a "no such file or directory" error. Parallels is installed, and works fine 80% of the time, but I can not navigate to the directory using Terminal. Please help!
Okay, I figured out the terminal commands and have found the /library/parallels directory, but there are no files matching the .lock description?
I had the same problem, but there was no lock file. I used the image tool to rebuild the image and now its working fine.
Look in the same folder as the pvs file Same problem - solved by deleting the .blahblah.lock file which was to be found in the same folder as the pvs file. Deleted using Terminal
For those who are not very technical like me, I think I have found an easy work around. I create a new parallels folder and copy the .HDD and .PVS files to the new folder, then open the .PVS file. Apparently, this leaves the locked file in the old folder, which you can delete. I have used this about 10 times now, and it works everytime.
tried it can't find it I've gone to terminal (1st time) got to library/parallels, typed ls but didn't get .hdd or anything other than winxp, what now?