Viewing e-mail attachment in the Virtual Machine

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by jesschoen, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. jesschoen

    jesschoen Member

    I'm new to both Apple and Parallels--I seem to have both working OK but can't figure out how to view an e-mail attachment in the VM. Say, for example, I receive a Word attachment in Mail in Apple--how then do I view that in Microsoft Word within the Virtual Machine? Some simple instructions would be greatly appreciated.


  2. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    You have to get it over to the VM. The easiest way is to set-up a shared folder and then save the attachment from that folder. Now, go into your VM, open the program and select the file like you would do with any other shared folder.
  3. jesschoen

    jesschoen Member

    This sounds silly but I set up the shared folder on the Mac side by configuring the Virtual Machine. However, after doing that I can't find the shared folder on the Mac in order to dump the e-mail attachment into it so that presumably I can see the file over in the VM.

    What am I missing?


  4. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    Well, whatever the folder is that you selected to share on the Mac IS the shared folder. So, it will not appear shared on the Mac side, only the Windows side. Mac sense?
  5. Lew

    Lew Member

    Why not just drag the attachment to your Mac desktop, then either drag or copy/paste it to your Windows desktop?

  6. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    That works, but it creates 'doubles' of everything and with a large number of attachments it can get old fast.

    If you don't care about the extra effort, or space used, go ahead, it works!
  7. milesce

    milesce Member

    In Parralels -- configure shared folder called Home pointing to

    In Windows -- map a drive to .\psf\Home

    Right click my documents - select properties. Point my documents to your newly mapped drive.

    Now, whenever you save anything in your documents folder, it will appear in "My documents" in windows.

    The one gotcha is if you use bootcamp, it will choke on the missing my docs folder.

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