Video Driver help

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Sozaku, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. Sozaku

    Sozaku Bit poster

    Okay so I got parallels so i could play one of my online games the only problem is i cant seem to get Directx or ATI display adapter to setup

    why is this?
    is it like an impossible feat?
  2. darkone

    darkone Forum Maven

    search the forums.. 3d support doesnt exist in parallels yet. Also as Parallels is a virtualisation software product, you use their video driver, not the driver for the card in the system.

    so in answer to your question, at the present time, this is an impossible feat. Tho Parallels say its coming in the next version later this year.
  3. Sozaku

    Sozaku Bit poster

    hmm i was afraid of that

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