Very angry

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by Jean-JacquesR, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. Jean-JacquesR

    Jean-JacquesR Bit poster

    Hello everybody,

    The update to vers. 10 is too expensive, and has many bugs. I'm very very angry.

    Windows 7 is slow and Windows 8 very slow.

    Unable to install parallels tools in Unbuntu 12.10 and the Linux update says 'No Internet connexion' but I can surf to the web.

    Machine too slow.

    Ticket support too complicated, spent many time on forum but no solution.

    For 66 swiss francs = too expensive

    Attached Files:

  2. Abdul@Parallels

    Abdul@Parallels Parallels Support

  3. Jean-JacquesR

    Jean-JacquesR Bit poster

    I submitted a support request yesterday. The solution given don't works. I changed the version of Ubuntu (12.10) with a fresh one (13.04 LTS) the result is the same. I asked for downgrade to version 9 (with this version all was working) and I hope can be do with no problems for my Win 7 & Win 8.1 version. I wait the answer. Thank you. Best regards.
  4. Jean-JacquesR

    Jean-JacquesR Bit poster

    I'm a retired man 70 years old. I can't loose time with computer problems. I installed the free 'Oracle Virtual Box' and Ubuntu works perfectly. I think I loose 50 bucks with the update to Parallels v10. I try to install 4 versions of Ubuntu. I got the same problems in all versions. Firefox works (it'mean I have networks connexion) but it's unable to connect to Ubuntu servers for language update or pakckage update.

    Fortunately, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 Works fine.

    I spent too many time with this problem. You can close this ticket.

    Best regards.
  5. Jean-JacquesR

    Jean-JacquesR Bit poster

    OK. All is solutionned, but I was obliged to install Ubuntu 14.04.
    This version of Ubuntu is too heavy and too slow (more slower than Windows 8.1).
    I decided to abandon Ubuntu on Parallels.

    But, my Ubuntu 12.10 woks very well and very fast on Oracle Virtual Machine. I will keep Parallels to Windows and Oracle VM for Linux.

    Greeting to everybody.

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