Using VMs on WinXP and on Mac?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by AssetBurned, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. AssetBurned

    AssetBurned Junior Member


    i am looking for a way to use the same VM image on a Mac and on a PC. how can i do it?

    if i create the image on the PC, the Mac ask me if i want to convert the image or if i want to cancel. that's it and it is a bit annoying. why is it possible with VMware but not with parallels, which is the better tool of both.... from my point of view.

    cu assetburned
  2. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    It's not possible at this point in time, because Parallels Desktop for OS X is a much more advanced version than what is available for Windows. VMWare keeps the two versions closer together.

    If you don't mind playing with a beta, then the Server edition might be something that you can look at.
  3. AssetBurned

    AssetBurned Junior Member

    yeap, but something like backward compatibility is something i could expect. I don't want tu use all that fancy stuff in both versions. just everything that is possible in the Windows version.... of at least that functions i want to use there.

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