Use Ethernet instead of Airport connection?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Joshua, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. Joshua

    Joshua Bit poster

    When I'm at work, I'm plugged in to two different network connections. One is through Airport which is just a free public wifi hotspot and the other is through Ethernet which is our corporate network.

    Is there a way that I can tell Parallels to only use the Ethernet connection? Right now, it's just using whichever connection my Mac uses first, which I have set to Airport since I want the wifi connection to be primary on the Mac OS side of things... but I want windwos using ONLY the ethernet connection.

    Is this possible?
  2. ehurtley

    ehurtley Member

    Yes. In Parallels VM setup, choose 'Bridged Ethernet', and choose which adapter you want. (This will make your VM appear as a completely separate machine to your local network, 'Shared Networking' makes your Mac act as a router, so that your physical network only sees one computer.)

    Other than that, you can re-order your network connections in the main Mac OS System Preferences, so that Ethernet is above AirPort.
  3. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    Yep. In the Properties Window for you network connection deselect 'Default Connection' and select the ethernet. Poke around in the Properties window, you'll find it fast, and maybe even a few new features.
  4. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    Heh. Fast response there buddy, you beat me to the draw, and I just remembered I assumed everyone used Bridged Networking again...

    To add, if you use Shared, make sure that you have the Network Connections ordered with Ethernet first.

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