USB WebCams disconnected from OS X Lion

Discussion in 'Windows Guest OS Discussion' started by vale4674, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. vale4674

    vale4674 Bit poster

    I've been experiencing this issue when I connect webcam to Virtual machine (Devices - > USB -> CHECK_CAMERA_THAT_I_WANT) I can use it on VM and not anymore on Mac OS X. Then I started disconnecting them from Virtual machines (Devices - > USB -> UNCHECK_CAMERA_THAT_I_WANT) and then I could normally use them in Mac OS X again.

    Now when I start my Mac and then Virtual machines, when I first connect cameras to VM and then later disconnect, on my Mac there aren't any connected cameras (Skype, PhotoBooth shows no connected cameras...) and the only way to have cameras is to reboot my Mac.

    I have 2 Virtual Machines on Mac OS X Lion: Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.10

    And another thing is on Windows I can't use iMac's built in FaceTimeCamera:

    Last edited: Nov 30, 2011
  2. vale4674

    vale4674 Bit poster

    I needed to restart my iMac 2 times in order to see cameras again in PhotoBooth, Skype....
    All my virtual machines are configured to share webcams. I realized that the problem was only with the FaceTime Built In camera. If I would go on Devices -> USB -> FaceTime (Built In) and checked it, then there would be no way to see it again on Mac OS X (after disconnecting it from virtual machine).

    I also have 2 another cameras: Logitech Webcam C100 and Logitech Webcam C310. If I don't connect them via Devices -> USB then I see them in device manager as "Logitech Camera" and "Logitech Camera" (Windows 7) or "USB Video Device" and "USB Video Device" (Windows XP). I guess this is because I selected "Share webcams".
    If I connect them to the VM, then the driver update wizard pops on Windows out and then I see them as on picture above with their full names. On Ubuntu it just adds new devices to /dev/video*

    So the solution to my problem was to restart iMac 2 times (?) and never connect FaceTime Built In camera to any VM. On picture above, that camera is connected and that is why is under "Other devices" with that warning.

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