I've been experiencing this issue when I connect webcam to Virtual machine (Devices - > USB -> CHECK_CAMERA_THAT_I_WANT) I can use it on VM and not anymore on Mac OS X. Then I started disconnecting them from Virtual machines (Devices - > USB -> UNCHECK_CAMERA_THAT_I_WANT) and then I could normally use them in Mac OS X again.
Now when I start my Mac and then Virtual machines, when I first connect cameras to VM and then later disconnect, on my Mac there aren't any connected cameras (Skype, PhotoBooth shows no connected cameras...) and the only way to have cameras is to reboot my Mac.
I have 2 Virtual Machines on Mac OS X Lion: Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.10
And another thing is on Windows I can't use iMac's built in FaceTimeCamera:
Last edited: Nov 30, 2011