I purchased a new macbook and installed parallels with windows xp. The problem I'm having is getting my USB ports recognized. If I select my printer under the USB icon the message I get is: USB device you are trying to connect to the virtual maching is being use by another process.. Wait 5-10 seconds, then try to connect the device again. If this does not help, find the application that blocked up the device and disconnect it manually. Can't find a solution to solve this problem, and Parallels customer support does NOT reply to my support emails. They say a response will be withing 3 business days but they don't. It seems that they charge $80 for the program, but do I have to pay another $30 to get it to work with their telephone support. So far this program doesn't do me any good if I can't print my work with XP. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
It seems your running older version of parallels. You have to upgrade parallels (see in menu off parallels)
solution from parallels support After posting this message and sending support another request, I was sent a solution from tech support that worked. At mentioned, my copy of parallels was an older version, after updating, my USB ports now function with Windows XP. Here is the response I received from tech support. Hope this helps anyone else who has this problem. My build number was 1970. Reply: Update please to the build 3188 which is available now. To do this just download it from http://download.parallels.com/GA/Parallels Desktop 3188 Mac en.dmg run the installer to update your Parallels Desktop and then reboot your Mac. As a matter of fact you need NOT uninstall or reinstall your guest OS or any other apps you have set up already. The only software you SHOULD reinstall is Parallels Tools.
i have the same problem, but i use version 3188. The problem comes when i use a usb- memorystick-i can't connect to parallels winxp
Same problem with USB Bluetooth device I am on build 3188, running XP Pro in Parallels. The Apple Bluetooth device will absolutely not do a thing with XP, so I have a USB device I would like to use, The device works perfectly running Vista on this machine, in Bootcamp, but when running XP in Parallels, I get the message when I try to enable it from Devices. Anything?
I've got the same problem too, when trying to connect my mass storage reader (cf, sd, ms, mmc etc) that used to work a month ago. I think it's related with Mac_Fuse, that I tried some days ago. I removed it with the uninstall script and deleted all the daemons and bins it left in my system (I searched a lot for this issue on the net and found a lot of file to be removed) bye!