USB on Fedora Core 5 host

Discussion in 'Parallels Workstation for Windows and Linux' started by flyfishin, May 19, 2006.

  1. flyfishin

    flyfishin Bit poster

    I noticed a comment in another thread that there is an issue with usb on Fedora Core 5 as a host os for Windows XP SP2. Is there any fix to getting USB recognized in the Windows guest system? I haven't found one anywhere but if I've overlooked it just let me know.
  2. flyfishin

    flyfishin Bit poster

    I simply get the message "Unable to connect USB device to virtual machine". Any insight?
  3. aussiebear

    aussiebear Bit poster

    Here's a suggestion...How about looking in the Help Menu of Parallels Workstation? ;)

    There's a section called "Problem with Connecting USB Devices in Linux Primary OS"

    It'll tell you how to resolve the issue.

    So yes...You have overlooked something. :D
  4. flyfishin

    flyfishin Bit poster

    That's not it. I have no problem accessing the USB device on my FC5 host system under my user account. Also, the same system running VMware has no problems accessing the USB device.

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