USB doesn't work after installing Parallels 7

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by Luca Cirillo, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. Luca Cirillo

    Luca Cirillo Bit poster

    After the installation of Parallels 7, two of three USB devices of my MacBook Pro stopped.
    I've uninstalled Parallels 7 and the USB restarted.
    I've installed again Parallels 7 and the USB stopped again.
    With Parallels 6, USB worked fine.
  2. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    Do I understand correctly that you are connecting USB devices to Mac OS X host?

    Devices don't work even if no one VM running but PD7 installed, don't it?

    Could you please post Problem Report ID? (
  3. Luca Cirillo

    Luca Cirillo Bit poster

    Dear Alev,
    Yes, for both questions.
    I've already open a ticket: 1210531
    Thanks again
  4. Luca Cirillo

    Luca Cirillo Bit poster

    Dear Alev,
    I've to add another issue: also the sound device is not working.
    Also in this case, if I uninstall the PD7, the sound works again.
    For your reference, I've attached the sound property screen shot.

    Attached Files:

  5. Luca Cirillo

    Luca Cirillo Bit poster

    After installing the last revision 693916 of Tue, 13 Sep 2011 (build 7.0.14922) the issue has been solved.
    Thanks Parallels and all engineers that followed the issue.
  6. FrankHeuvel

    FrankHeuvel Bit poster

    I've the same issue. After installing Lion my USB devices weren't recognized. I bought the update to Parallels 6 and Everything worked out fine. Because I've bought P6 I also get the update to P7 for free. Now I installed P7 the USB devices have the same problem. This problem can't be difficult to solve. They did it before.
    Is there a possibility to downgrade to P6. My plotter and hardware key doesn't work now and I have some work to do.

    Is there anyone who knows to solve this issue?
  7. FrankHeuvel

    FrankHeuvel Bit poster

    Also with the latest version (693916 of Tue, 13 Sep 2011 (build 7.0.14922)) I still have this problem

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