USB device not available for passthrough

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by BallO, Mar 26, 2024.

  1. BallO

    BallO Hunter

    This device isn't available for passthrough for whatever reason:
    It shows up on System Information (screenshot attached)
    I believe this is the device in the ioreg tree:
        | |   |       |   |   +-o USB3  <class IOPortTransportStateUSB3, id 0x10012cd76, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (5 ms), retain 12>
        | |   |       |   |       {
        | |   |       |   |         "GenerationDescription" = "USB 3.x"
        | |   |       |   |         "DriverStatus" = 2
        | |   |       |   |         "IOUserClientClass" = "IOPortTransportUserClient"
        | |   |       |   |         "ParentBuiltInPortNumber" = 1
        | |   |       |   |         "TransportTypeDescription" = "USB3"
        | |   |       |   |         "AuthorizationRequired" = Yes
        | |   |       |   |         "AuthorizationStatus" = 2
        | |   |       |   |         "Index" = 0
        | |   |       |   |         "Product ID" = 1400
        | |   |       |   |         "TRM_DeviceLocked" = No
        | |   |       |   |         "Generation" = 2
        | |   |       |   |         "AuthenticationStatus" = 0
        | |   |       |   |         "TRM_TransportRestricted" = No
        | |   |       |   |         "TRM_State" = 2
        | |   |       |   |         "TRM_IdentificationRestricted" = No
        | |   |       |   |         "TransportDescription" = "Port-USB-C@1/USB3"
        | |   |       |   |         "Product" = "JMS579"
        | |   |       |   |         "Serial Number" = "0123456789ABCDEF"
        | |   |       |   |         "Device Class" = 0
        | |   |       |   |         "SuperSpeedSignalingDescription" = "Gen 2"
        | |   |       |   |         "ParentPortType" = 2
        | |   |       |   |         "TRM_TransportSupervised" = Yes
        | |   |       |   |         "Manufacturer" = "JMicron"
        | |   |       |   |         "AuthorizationStatusDescription" = "Policy Authorized"
        | |   |       |   |         "SuperSpeedSignaling" = 2
        | |   |       |   |         "ParentPortNumber" = 1
        | |   |       |   |         "Metadata" = {"Device Class"=0,"Manufacturer"="JMicron","Device Subclass"=0,"Vendor ID"=5421,"Product ID"=1400,"Product"="JMS579","Device Protocol"=0,"Serial Number"="0123456789ABCDEF"}
        | |   |       |   |         "Active" = Yes
        | |   |       |   |         "ParentBuiltInPortType" = 2
        | |   |       |   |         "ParentBuiltInPortTypeDescription" = "USB-C"
        | |   |       |   |         "DriverStatusDescription" = "Ready"
        | |   |       |   |         "AuthenticationRequired" = No
        | |   |       |   |         "HashStatusDescription" = "Cached"
        | |   |       |   |         "Vendor ID" = 5421
        | |   |       |   |         "TRM_CacheMiss" = No
        | |   |       |   |         "Device Subclass" = 0
        | |   |       |   |         "Tunneled" = No
        | |   |       |   |         "TRM_GracePeriodReason" = 4
        | |   |       |   |         "Device Protocol" = 0
        | |   |       |   |         "DataRoleDescription" = "Host"
        | |   |       |   |         "DataRole" = 2
        | |   |       |   |         "TransportType" = 3
        | |   |       |   |         "TRM_StateDescription" = "Limited"
        | |   |       |   |         "HashStatus" = 3
        | |   |       |   |         "IOGeneralInterest" = "IOCommand is not serializable"
        | |   |       |   |         "ParentPortTypeDescription" = "USB-C"
        | |   |       |   |         "AuthenticationStatusDescription" = "Idle"
        | |   |       |   |         "TRM_GracePeriodReasonDescription" = "Device Unlocked"
        | |   |       |   |       }

    Attached Files:

  2. BallO

    BallO Hunter

    So, apparently I can't edit or delete a post until it's approved. That is not the device in ioreg. In fact, I can't locate a
    0x2329 device in ioreg, or even a significant difference in ioreg when the device is plugged in.
    I'm going to try a direct adapter instead of a type-c hub.
  3. BallO

    BallO Hunter

    OK, for some reason this drive doesn't work with reliably a hub and only a direct adapter. I'll try to delete this thread as it appears to be a hardware incompatibility
    Adeboye Adeotan likes this.

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