USB device auto disconnecting?? HELP PLEASE

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by reflexdb, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. reflexdb

    reflexdb Bit poster

    While I'm running parallels, I have been connecting a USB device that allows me to read instantaneous sensor values through another program, MotoTune. I used it on several Windows-based computers, and it works fine. I have the autoconnect feature enabled in parallels, so when I plug in the USB device, it is detected and begins to work. However, from time to time, the USB connection is lost, and I am unable to reconnect without a restart of the VM. This is really time-consuming and frustrating.

    I've read on these forums that I could make a new bootcamp install, then make a parallels image from that, to have both options available (I would assume that this problem would not occur in bootcamp). But, I use parallels so much, as it is far easier to use than rebooting to Windows, I would rather not have to do that.

    Does anyone know if there is a setting somewhere that I am overlooking that is automatically disconnecting the USB connection after a time-out or something?
  2. reflexdb

    reflexdb Bit poster

    By the way, the USB device I'm using is a Kevaser Leaf Light USB to CAN translater. This device does use a specific driver (not included in windows). From reading another post, it looks like Parallels isn't that great with these type of drivers. Is this the case?

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