USB connection for Blackberry 8700, 8800

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by frikwa, May 18, 2007.

  1. frikwa

    frikwa Bit poster

    Has anybody been able to synchronize a Blackberry 8700 or 8800 over a Parallels USB port using Windows XP. I have this ongoing problem using Parallels Build 3188. The port detects the Blackberry and installs the drivers, but no sychronization happens. It just sits there and does nothing. Anyone with a solution or step-by-step process to have it resolved would be greatly appreciated. Any answers any one please? Thanks
  2. mgolczewski

    mgolczewski Bit poster

    OK, I'm in somewhat of the same boat though I can't even get the BlackBerry app to work. It freezes whenever I click on one of the icons (i.e. the Application Loader).

    Were you able to get that far or is it freezing there?

    Are you syncing with Exchange/Outlook or to a desktop PIM?
  3. Ankou

    Ankou Guest

    Unfortunately Blackberry devices are not supported in current Version of our product at all, it will very likely appear in the next Version.
  4. mgolczewski

    mgolczewski Bit poster

    Thanks Ankou. Are we talking a few months or many months?

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