Upgrading to Dekstop 8 has corrupted secondary virtual disk - HELP!

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by RWTech, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. RWTech

    RWTech Junior Member

    I have a large virtual data disk for my Windows VM. Everything has been fine for a LONG time. Upgraded to 8 tonight, and immediately upon running the software, my virtual disk is no longer mountable by the VM or by parallels mounter. HELP!!!!!
  2. juzci

    juzci Guest

    thank you for feedback, we do appreciate it!
    To investigate the issue we need some technical information, so could you please reproduce it, send us Problem Report as described in http://kb.parallels.com/en/9058 and give me an ID?

    Thanks in advance,
  3. MJB

    MJB Bit poster

    I have an Windows XP VM that errors out when upgrading with parallels 8 at the point when installing parallels tools at about 20%. I reboot and again after 20% completions of parallels tools installation it hangs. If I stop the virtual machine and not allow it to reboot it becomes corrupted.
  4. RWTech

    RWTech Junior Member

    Thank you so much!

    I will take a look at that tonight after the kids are in bed . . . :)

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