Upgrading Mac host machine

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by RHS, Mar 2, 2018.

  1. RHS

    RHS Hunter

    I am planning to replace the old Mac desktop hosting my Windows 10 VM.
    The Mac is currently running OS X 10.11.6.
    Is it better to create a new installation of PD13 on the new machine and transfer the license key?
    I know there is a process to do that.
    Or, can I just restore PD13 over to the new machine, then transfer the license key?
    Regardless, once PD13 is running on the new machine, can I just restore the Win10 VM over to that machine?
    Or, will I need to reinstall Win10? Would I need to transfer the Win10 license since the VM "machine" isn't changing, just the host?
    Any advice would be much appreciated. Since my Mac is *so* old surely someone out there reading this forum has done something like this.
  2. HonzaIl

    HonzaIl Member

    Considering how many people have issues with moving their license, I suspect it is not possible in simple way. Check threads on "Maximum number of activations reached". Therefore, I believe the process will end up like this:
    1. Install PD13 on new machine
    2. Contact parallels to reset number of activations for your license, activate license on the new computer.
    3. Copy Windows VM package from one machine to the other.
    No need to deal with Windows license, from Windows points of view nothing should change. It may be easier to first compress the VM so you are moving less stuff around. Keep old Mac with the old VM until the new one works, things fail once in a while.
    Now, I have done this relatively long time ago, so things may have changed, may be someone with newer experience may correct me...
  3. Hello Robert Swanson. You can download and install Parallels Desktop 13 on the new Mac and activate it. The license will be deactivated automatically from the old Mac once it is activated on the new one. You can also transfer the existing virtual machine to the new Mac and start using it without any issue.

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