To all, How do you upgrade your vm from Win 98 to XP professional? I am about to install but only have the upgrade of XP and not the full version. I have downloaded all the how too's, quick starts and such but have no luck finding it. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks N8
download a 98 bootdisk from ( in the vm config, enable the floppy drive and attach the downloaded 98 boot disk image (it should be fine to rename the .exe to .img and attach it directly). Then start the xp install as normal.
Darkone, Thanks, so your post says to download that bootdisk and start the xp install and it will use that boot disk and then upgrade and that is it!? N8
How do you attach the boot disk image after you have already changed the extension? Thanks to anyone who helps. Can you please give simple instructions this is my first time with Parallels! N8