Hi Looks like I didn't shoot down all my VMs in the 3.0 version of parallels. and now I have a problem. I can't start Parallels 3.0 because I don't have a OSX 10.5 machine left. And I can't install parallels 4.0 because of these open VMs. And I can't delete the VMs. So what can I do now? cu assetburned
Go from point 2... http://kb.parallels.com/en/5999 It means, that you have not properly shut down the virtual machines listed in the window prior to launching Parallels Desktop version 4 installation. Resolution To resolve the problem, please, take the steps below: 1) Start Parallels Desktop, launch the virtual machines in question, start and stop them in ordinary manner. Make sure the status of the machine is shown as "Stopped". 2) If this does not help, please, open the Parallels folder: by default it is placed in one of the following directories /Users/<you user name>/Documents/ /Users/<you user name>/Library/ 3) Find the correspondent virtual machine's folder (Microsoft Windows XP in our example) 4) Delete the files with .mem and .sav extensions 5) Open Terminal application from Finder -> Applications -> Utilities and copy/paste there: cd Documents 6) Copy/paste the second command rm -rf .parallels-vm-directory 7) Try to launch the upgrade once again. Now the "Continue" button should be available. Hope it works for you Salamat
Updated to snow leopard with parallels 3 HI I JUST UPDATED TO SNOW LEOPARD ON MY MAC WHICH IS RUNNING PARALLELS THREE I NOW GET THIS MESSAGE You can't use this version of the application Parallels Desktop with this version of Mac*OS*X. ANY SUGGESTIONS MANY THANKS PETER
So it says what it says - you cannot use PD3 on snow leopard - you need to upgrade to the current PD version (in your case - buy full license as there is no upgrade key from PD3 to PD7.) PD3 is very old software, unfortunately there is no way to make it work on Snow Leopard