
Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by burgeke, Apr 7, 2006.

  1. burgeke

    burgeke Member

    Anyone know where the remnants are (if any) for this app in order to completely uninstall it? are there any kernel extensions, preferences, etc?

    I could just drag the app to the trash but I'm sure there must be more than just the app no?

    Thanks in advance - sorry if this is a stupid newbie question.

    Edit: BTW - not because I don't love the app - just want to know the proper procedure in case I want to uninstall it at some point (i.e. after the trial if I choose not to buy it)
  2. daveschroeder

    daveschroeder Member

    This has already been posted in at least two other threads in the last 24 hours. Try a search?
  3. burgeke

    burgeke Member

    Thanks Dave much appreciated - I found your script in another thread.

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