Unable to recreate Parallels Host-Guest and NAT

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Franck Sartori, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. Franck Sartori

    Franck Sartori Bit poster


    I'm using MacBook Pro with 10.4.9 and Parallels Build 3186. The only network option I have is Bridged Ethernet. One day, I manually destroyed the two Parallels Network Ports.

    I have already :
    - uninstalled Parallels Desktop
    - shut down
    - destroyed the adapter Ethernet (null) adapter
    - shut down
    - installed Parallels Destop
    - restarted
    - and the adapter Etherne (null) now appears :-(

    Trying :
    francks:~ fsartori$ sudo /Applications/Parallels/Parallels\ Desktop.app/Contents/Resources/PvsvnicConfigure
    No suitable device found for PVS0.
    No suitable device found for PVS1.
    francks:~ fsartori$

    What can I do now ?

    Best regards.
  2. Franck Sartori

    Franck Sartori Bit poster

    Tried the same way with the new build 3188. Same results. Tried to throw away the /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration preferences. No chance. Same answer from the terminal. I'm not the only one on the forum with this problem. Do I need to format C: to reinstall Mac OS X + // + WinXP ?
  3. hiwaybk

    hiwaybk Bit poster

    You're not the only one...

    I'm having the same problem. I've gone through the same steps as you.

  4. darkone

    darkone Forum Maven

    uninstall Parallels using the uninstaller in the DMG file you downloaded. (This will not delete your VM(s) )

    Restart the mac

    Install parallels again

    restart the mac

    start up your VM again and it should be fine.
  5. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    Have you tried re-installing Parallels?
  6. STim

    STim Bit poster

    In addition to suggestions already posted here,

    1. Go to Apple menu->System Preferences->Network
    2. Most probably, you're warned that new network interfaces are detected.
    3. Click "Configure".
    4. Click Apply.

    After that, NAT and Host-Only should be back again.

    For those having interfaces available, but still not working properly,
    1. Run Applications->Utilities->Terminal
    2. Issue the "sudo killall -HUP pvsnatd" command.
  7. Franck Sartori

    Franck Sartori Bit poster

    I've already tried to unistall/install many times Parallels Desktop.

    For Tim, the two parallels ports appear as "Adaptateur Ethernet ((null))" when Parallels Desktop is installed in the network pane. So something happens when Parallels Desktop is installed but the ports are not at all well defined.

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