Unable to connect Hard Disk 0

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by AndrasD, Sep 28, 2017.

  1. AndrasD

    AndrasD Bit poster

    I recently switched to a new computer. All my files and applications were transferred, including Parallels Desktop (PD).
    After the move, the Virtual Machine (VM) would not not start up. I got the following error:
    Unable to connect Hard Disk 0

    The parallels.log file included the following errors:
    09-27 15:57:12.705 F /dimg:18159:37379/ Image /Applications/Parallels/windowsxp.pvm/windowsxp.hdd/windowsxp.hdd.0.{o1bbaaaa-effg-3g85-834z-0g7g0293h20d}.hds has invalid format
    09-27 15:57:12.705 F /dimg:18159:37379/ Error 0x80021029 when opening the disk. Releasing image.
    09-27 15:57:12.705 F /vdisk:18159:37379/ Can't open uid {o1bbaaaa-effg-3g85-834z-0g7g0293h20d} name /Applications/Parallels/windowsxp.pvm/windowsxp.hdd/windowsxp.hdd.0.{o1bbaaaa-effg-3g85-834z-0g7g0293h20d}.hds Error 0x80021029
    09-27 15:57:12.706 F /vdisk:18159:37379/ OpenDisk() returned error 0x80021029
    09-27 15:57:12.706 F /LocalDevices:18159:37379/ [AppHDD] Can't open requested image [0x80021029].
    09-27 15:57:12.707 F /vm:18159:37379/ Sending question = PRL_WARN_UNABLE_OPEN_DEVICE

    I searched Google extensively, trying to find the right answer.
    I read all the different kb articles. Nothing helped.
    I tried editing the DiskDescriptor.xml file. No change.
    Repairing the VM was not an option, and I don't have the XP install disc anymore.

    Then I checked my old computer to see if PD was having the same problem. It was not. It started up without any problems.

    So I copied over the windowsxp.hdd.0.{o1bbaaaa-effg-3g85-834z-0g7g0293h20d}.hds file from the old computer, replacing the one on the new computer.
    This solved the problem. PD finally started up normally on the new computer as well.

    Hopefully this post can help others with the same issue.
  2. Alfena@Parallels

    Alfena@Parallels Pro

    Hello @AndrasD , Thank you for sharing this, glad to know your issue is resolved.

    Please refer http://kb.parallels.com/114118 to Transfer an existing virtual machine to a new Mac or an external drive.

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