Unable to allocate virtual machine memory!

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by haroldo, May 20, 2007.

  1. haroldo

    haroldo Bit poster

    Yesterday I installed Parallels. I put the two files in the shared folder and was able to run parallels in both of my user accounts. Today, I can run parallels in one user but in the other I get the following error messate
    I rebooted and downloaded and installed (repair) a fresh copy, to no avail.
    Any clues?
    Last edited: May 20, 2007
  2. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    Reduce the amount of RAM allocated to the VM.

    For reasons I don't understand the optimum is somewhere around 800. On my machine (MacPro w 5GB RAM) if I allocated the max of 1500 I get the "unable to allocate" message every time. Around 1300 I get it sometimes, 1000 or less never.
    Benchmarking shows there is no benefit allocating 1300 or 700.
  3. Leauki

    Leauki Hunter

    I am sorry if this sounds rather arrogant, but did you try cleaning up your hard disk?
  4. haroldo

    haroldo Bit poster

    I tried increasing and decreasing to no avail. Reinstalling Windows worked.
  5. haroldo

    haroldo Bit poster

    Computer is 3 days old. Nothing installed except Parallels.
  6. haroldo

    haroldo Bit poster

    Here is what I did.
    I installed Parallels successfully in User 2.
    I moved the files to the shared folder
    I ran Parallels in User 1
    The next day User 1 couldn't run Parallels
    I reinstalled XP in User 1
    I can't run it in User 2

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