Unable to access Windows files via command prompt

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by ScotW, Mar 2, 2025.

  1. ScotW

    ScotW Bit poster

    I have read posts in this forum that discuss this, but I am still having issues. I verified that both my Mac and the Windows VM are sharing: Configure > Options > Sharing
    When I open a command prompt and type: dir:
    03/02/2025 11:07 PM <DIR> .
    01/13/2024 10:05 PM <DIR> ..
    03/02/2025 11:07 PM <DIR> .VirtualBox
    01/13/2024 09:48 PM <DIR> Contacts
    05/07/2022 02:00 AM <DIR> Desktop
    01/13/2024 09:48 PM <DIR> Documents
    05/07/2022 02:00 AM <DIR> Downloads
    01/13/2024 09:48 PM <DIR> Favorites
    01/13/2024 09:48 PM <DIR> Links
    05/07/2022 02:00 AM <DIR> Music
    05/07/2022 02:00 AM <DIR> Pictures
    01/13/2024 09:48 PM <DIR> Saved Games
    01/25/2024 09:11 PM <DIR> Searches
    05/07/2022 02:00 AM <DIR> Videos
    0 File(s) 0 bytes
    14 Dir(s) 234,759,835,648 bytes free
    When I change directory to Desktop and type dir, I do not get a list of the items on my Window VM Desktop:
    05/07/2022 02:00 AM <DIR> .
    03/02/2025 11:07 PM <DIR> ..
    0 File(s) 0 bytes
    2 Dir(s) 234,759,835,648 bytes free
    Is there another setting or command I can run to access my via the command line? I am tying to run a Vagrantfile executable in order to bring up Virtualbox.


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