The virtual machine starts OK and shows the normal Ubuntu 12.04 login screen. After entering the username and password the screen goes black and in a few seconds Parallels Desktop pops out the "Fatal Error" message containing the problem report. After submitting the problem report to Parallels virtual machine just shuts down.
Unity login causes "Fatal error" crash Has just created a completely new virtual machine from Ubuntu 12.04 64bit iso image. Virtual machine starts OK. Then tried to login. Received "Fatal error" crash message. It seems to be related to which login session is chosen. "Ubuntu 2D" logs in OK. "Ubuntu" login crashes with "Fatal error". Please, HELP! Parallels support is silent on the issue.
I am seeing the same problem I am expereinceing the exact same problem. I am running on a macbook pro with a retina display. 2 days ago, I installed both the most recent OS X updates from Apple and the latest Parallels 8 update. My Ubuntu 12.04 VM now only runs in 2D mode. It crashes on login (when the display is supposed to switch to full resolution) every time in 3D mode. I uninstalled then reinstalled Parallels Tools, rebooted the entire machine, etc. It is very frustrating since many of the Unity features don't work in 2D mode.
Parallel Tools in Build 8.0.18314 breaks Linux OSs Guys I think this last build broke all the linux guest OS. My existing VM (Ubuntu 12.04) crashes on login. I created a fresh VM off the Ubuntu 12.10 distribution which does log in to the desktop but after installing parallel tools, also crashes during login. So far I haven't see any support here even recognizing this issue - going to go look up my VMWare licence and see what I can upgrade for - looks like we are screwed here while they fix their application for Windows 8. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.
Crash with new osx update. Same problem Here-- I also tried a new install of a pristine 12.10 withe same issue. It appears to me that it is something with th the Ububtu driver as I tried it on VMWare only to git a similar crash there as well.
Same issue here with a MBP 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 running 10.8.2. Will prob install virtualbox so I can get back to work! Would love to fix my Parallels install, though! cheers, Matt
Similar error with VMWare Fusion Created a brand new VM with WMWare Fusion. Got similar error when tried to login in Ubuntu with WMWare tools installed. Seems that integration between Parallel Tools/WMWare Tools and Ubuntu OS/kernel is broken.
Same problem with 3D Acceleration VM started crashing after last reboot. Works when I disable 3D acceleration. Fix please?
Yep, Retina Mac crashes Yep, Retina Mac crashes on Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 Fusion 5.latest also crashes
Likely a MacBook Firmware Issue I just had Ubuntu crash in 2D mode. It has only happened once, and I work in my VM all day every day. Since we see this problem in both Fusion and Parallels it might be related to the recent EFI (firmware) update which appears to be causing several graphics realted problems. Has anyone contacted Apple?
try this... 0. if is not installed install Kernel-souces gcc kernel-headers 1. uname -a >> remember the version of kernel module. For example, 3.4.6-2.10-desktop 2. sudo cp /usr/lib/parallels-tools/kmods/prl_fs_freeze/Snapshot/Guest/Linux/prl_freeze/prl_fs_freeze.ko /lib/modules/<kernel_module version>/extra/ sudo cp /usr/lib/parallels-tools/kmods/prl_tg/Toolgate/Guest/Linux/prl_tg/prl_tg.ko /lib/modules/<kernel_module version>/extra/ sudo cp /usr/lib/parallels-tools/kmods/prl_eth/pvmnet/prl_eth.ko /lib/modules/<kernel_module version>/extra/ sudo cp /usr/lib/parallels-tools/kmods/prl_fs/SharedFolders/Guest/Linux/prl_fs/prl_fs.ko /lib/modules/<kernel_module version>/extra/ 3. sudo depmod -a 4. sudo modprobe prl_fs_freeze sudo modprobr prl_tg sudo modprobe prl_eth sudo modprobe prl_fs 5. Then reboot your VM 6. if necessary Reinstall Parallels Tools
Same problem Old Ubuntu won't start, downloaded fresh distro from parallels, still won't start - fatal error on login. MBP Retina 15", i7, 16GB RAM
Anything new on this problem? I am running Build 7.0.15107 and Ubuntu 12.04. Hadn't run Ubuntu in some time. Now when I login, Parallels goes back to "click to start." No message. Runs in unity-2D. Running mid-2012 macbookpro, 10.8.2.
Here is what I've got from Support Team: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Sergey Lysenko, Parallels <[email protected]> Date: Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 12:09 AM Subject: [Parallels #1519655] Fatal Error when logging in Hello Alex, Thank you for your patience. The issue you reported was passed to our Development Team and is now processed by them in a separate system. The fix will be considered to be implemented in one of the nearest releases of Parallels Desktop 8. You can subscribe to Parallels product updates news so you know when update is released and what issues are addressed there: Right now I have to close the ticket, but please note that it only means the issue you reported cannot be resolved by means of Support Team and needs a deep involvement of Development Team. Please note that you will be able to contact us within 14 days after the ticket is closed. Best regards, -- Sergey Lysenko Technical Support Engineer Parallels