Two minor issues in beta 4

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by mootothemax, Apr 21, 2006.

  1. mootothemax

    mootothemax Bit poster


    So far, am very impressed, just about to see if I can get Visual Studio 2005 playing along :)

    Anyways, have noticed two slightly strange things so far:

    1) When using putty, an ssh client, the mouse cursor completely dissapears whenever it is passed over putty's screen.

    2) I have Expose set up to show the desktop whenever I move the mouse into the bottom right-hand corner. When in full screen, doing this same action in the VM also causes this, and then things get weird. Appears to be the same for all Expose actions. Think the best solution might be to just turn off expose :)

    Anyways, good stuff, cheers!

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