Trouble installing Windows XP in Beta 6

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Gerry, May 10, 2006.

  1. Gerry

    Gerry Junior Member


    I just installed Beta 6 on my MacBook Pro w/2GB RAM. I used the beta activation key.

    I created a default Windows XP VM w/256MB Ram, stuck in my Windows XP SP1 Install
    CD, and pressed the Green Arrow Key. After awhile Setup started and loaded all of the inital
    startup drivers, then attempted to Start Windows.

    I got a BLUE SCREEN O DEATH, with Session3_Failed_Initialization.

    I read here that other folks got Parallels to work on a MacBook Pro.

    What am I doing wrong?

  2. Gerry

    Gerry Junior Member

    I'm still trying to acertain what's going on here.

    I read a couple of posts about Mac Mini's not having VT-x turned on. Could this be the case with a MacBook Pro Core Duo as well?

    If I bring up Parallels, and go to About Parallels, Virtualization Mode is off.


  3. Gerry

    Gerry Junior Member

    OK, I found the magic incantation.

    DON'T USE THE CD/DVD-Drive for Installation.

    I found a thread DEEP in the bowels of the forums that talked about folks having pretty
    much the same problems I was. They created an ISO image of the Win XP install disk
    using Apple's Disk Utility.

    That's what did. Install FLY's through the initial file copy, and got passed what was hanging
    me up.

    Seems fast!
  4. Scott Willsey

    Scott Willsey Hunter

    In answer to your VT-x thing, it won't show it enabled until you are running the VM anyway. You should see it enabled now when you check while XP is running.
  5. pmbooks1

    pmbooks1 Member

    I inserted the XP disc and opened disk utility, but the burn button's unavailable. How are you doing it?
    Last edited: May 11, 2006
  6. Benja0901

    Benja0901 Bit poster

    Burning actually burns a .dmg or variant to disk. What you want to do is:
    File -> New -> Disk Image from device
    choose the CD-Rom device
    Follow the on-screen prompts - you'll be good to go

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