Trouble installing Windows 98

Discussion in 'Windows Guest OS Discussion' started by dd-b, Dec 4, 2007.

  1. dd-b

    dd-b Bit poster

    I'm looking to install Windows 98 as the guest OS. My first problem is that the CD's I have aren't bootable. I've been trying to install FreeDOS in the VM first, and then use that to start installation from the CD. I can get access to the CD and start Windows 98 setup, but fairly quickly I get an error saying I need at least 16 megabytes of memory. I've allocated the VM 128MB to 256MB (physical host has 1GB). So I'm guessing FreeDOS isn't adequately DOS-compatible for this purpose?

    Any ideas on other approaches? When I get back home I probably have a real DOS floppy around, and if it's still readable I can just use that I guess; but I'd be happier with something I can get off the net without waiting to get home at the end of the week. Or I'll install Windows 2k at home, which I have a bootable DVD of.

    (I wanted windows 98 because it's relatively light-weight, and I know the application I want to run on it is happy with Windows 98.)
  2. jbh001

    jbh001 Member


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