Transparent Desktop in Guest OS

Discussion in 'Feature Suggestions' started by avramd, Sep 21, 2006.

  1. avramd

    avramd Bit poster


    I have a cool feature that I'd like to propose: I think it would be extremely valuable if you guys could create a new parallels tools feature that installs in Windows the ability to have a "transparent desktop". In other words, a) anywhere that you would normally see the desktop background, you instead see what's behind the parallels window in Mac OS X, and b) it should be click-through (mouse focus changes to mac when pointer is over a transparent pixel).

    This would solve the dilemma everybody has about what resolution to run parallels in; we wouldall simply run it in full screen mode all of the time, since there would be no drawback to doing so. It would give the same benefits as CrossOver Mac; effectively making it so that your Win environment only took up the space of whatever windows you had open in it, reather than the majority of your screen.


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