I have a new mac. I cant transfer my license as my old email is not accessible. Can i have some help please. Also note. 1. You state in your marketing you provide phone support. You do not. If you call the line its says go here. 2. Your published UK numbers are disconnected. 3. I cant access support with my account email address, as it wants to send an email to it and its not accessible. Catch 22
Hello, We have sent you a private message to request for additional information to proceed further with your request. For future reference, in order to obtain phone/chat support, kindly follow the below steps: 1. Sign in to your Parallels account using the link: https://my.myparallels.com/login Make sure your Parallels Desktop license is registered. 2. Go to the Support page. ( https://my.parallels.com/support/ ) 3. Select your product and the category of your question. Enter a short issue description or key words into the search box. 4. If you don't find the solution you are looking for, click "Request Support" and proceed to the Support contact options. Kindly refer to this article for more information: https://kb.parallels.com/6571 Thank you.