
Discussion in 'Feature Suggestions' started by scruvs, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. scruvs

    scruvs Bit poster

    There's so much wasted space on the TOOLBAR. I might just turn it off, but what about a view option that allows the user to display the items in his STATUS bar at the bottom (or right) of his TOOLBAR? This would have an indirect effect of allowing the user to move the location of his STATUS bar (to wherever his TOOLBAR is). It's probably worth keeping them separate also because some people might like em that way. Just an option to combine them if that's what the user wants.
  2. Richard Hunter

    Richard Hunter Member

    I could be wrong... but in most coding environments I've ever used... and granted I'm not an expert by ANY stretch... that would depend on the code you were using.

    Most folks don't actually write the code for their tool bar and status bar, it is generated by and part of the language they are using... i.e... Visual Basic, Visual C++, etc. etc. etc.

    So... unless that particular language supports combining a status bar and a tool bar... pretty much impossible.

    Now, if you are writing in assembly code... you can do anything you want.

    But only 3 people in India know how to do that :) hahaha
  3. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    You can use menu Edit->Preferences->User Interface to specify desired position of your toolbar.

    Initial default position was on the right and vertical, cause horizantal space is less important for VM in resolutions close to host one. But due to desire of some Mac users here we change this default in Mac version to top and horizontal.

    Please participate in our poll regarding this topic -
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2006
  4. scruvs

    scruvs Bit poster

    Yea Andrew, you're right. I quickly moved the TOOLBAR to the right after seeing that the default was switched to top in b4. Just to be clear, my wishlist item really has little to do with the TOOLBAR and much more to do with the STATUS bar. I'm trying to free up even more vertical space on my widescreen display by asking that an option be added to show the STATUS bar icons on the TOOLBAR instead of on its own STATUS bar.

    It's just a wish list item not even close to a necessity. I just wanted to state it again in case I was unclear the first time.
  5. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    OK - we'll think about it.
  6. joem

    joem Forum Maven

    How about having the tool bar, menu bar, status bar, juice bar, underbar and all the other bars just vanish from the face of the screen in full screen mode, only to return for a moment at a press of the option key, or more permenantly at the press of command-enter?

    Just like VPC!

    That's something they did right, IMNSHO.

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