Time synch in Vista

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by manfredell, Apr 2, 2007.

  1. manfredell

    manfredell Hunter

    There is a problem with the time synch of Parallels tools in Vista.

    After resuming a suspended VM the time is never synched and the clock stays out of synch.
  2. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    I saw something about this recently on the forum... Do a search. If you have not found anything, I'll try and dig it up.
  3. manfredell

    manfredell Hunter

    Found a thread on this but no solution....
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2007
  4. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    Hmm... I'll start digging. *bookmarks this page* I am low on time today, but I won't forget you!
  5. manfredell

    manfredell Hunter

    You'll be my hero if you find a solution to this one
  6. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    I could have sworn... My apologies to you manfredell I can't find a solution either....

    Now, let's see if I can get a workaround... Have you tried restarting Parallels tools upon a 'unsuspend'?
  7. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    How far out of sync is it? What is your time sync configuration in Parallels and Windows? Did you need to install the daylight saving time patches in OS X and Windows (and Java)?
  8. sparky

    sparky Junior Member

    1.83 Ghz MacBook with 1 GB Ram

    Time Synch is working perfectly fine with XP SP2.

    However in Vista Ultimate, after a suspend and resume, the clock just picks up where it left off. This is after waiting nearly three full minutes for VM to resume into a usable state.

    I resumed this morning and the date/time picked up from last night and just continued from there. I had to reset date/time in control panel.

    I re-installed Parallels Tools.

    Then I resumed from a suspended state from an hour ago and the clock just picked up where it left off from an hour ago. I've checked Parallels Tools and Time Synch is enabled.

    I also disabled Time Synch. Exited Parallels Tools. Restarted Tools then enabled Time Synch. This makes no difference. :(

    It seems to be a bug. :confused:
  9. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    Sparky - same questions:

    How far out of sync is it? What is your time sync configuration in Parallels and Windows? Did you need to install the daylight saving time patches in OS X and Windows (and Java)?
  10. sparky

    sparky Junior Member

    Yes, all patches applied but it's not an issue of one hour.

    It's out of synch the exact amount of time between suspend and resume.

    If I suspended the VM at 10:01 PM on 4/2/07, upon resume the VM clock shows 10:01 PM on 4/2/07. This is what I meant when I said the clock just picks up where it left off.

    I discovered that the only way to get it to time-synch is to re-boot the VM which defeats the whole purpose of suspend mode.
  11. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    Ok - backing up da bus, here - in Parallels, time sync is an option you can enable. Also in Windows you can sync with a Microsoft time server (it's really a web beacon that follows your laptop all over the world). Are these enabled? Either? Both? See a conflict yet?

    You patched Windows? Really??? That seems to be a rare thing with VM's - I don't know why. It's every bit as important as patching an OS running native.
  12. sparky

    sparky Junior Member

    No- server time synch in Windows Control Panel is NOT enabled. Since it's a VM and I've always counted on the Mac's system clock, I only have Time Synch enabled in Parallels Tools Center. System time synch always worked in Parallels running XP SP2. This seems to be a new problem with Parallels running Vista.

    EDIT: Parallels Tools time synch is obviously working at least partially... every VM reboot causes the clock to properly synch with the Mac's. Only pausing the VM causes the clock to just continue where it left off upon resume.

    Not quite sure what you're getting at here. :confused: Yes, all Windows updates, patches, and KBs have been applied. What more can I say about this?
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2007
  13. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    Ok - this is sounding more and more like a bug and others have commented on it, too. I just can't reproduce it - and I tried!

    I was pulling your Peñata. A stunning number of people don't understand that Windows running in a VM needs all the care and feeding that running it native requires.
  14. sparky

    sparky Junior Member

    I was reading some other stuff I found on Google regarding this problem in Parallels with XP. Something about disabling a process called WindowsTime or Win32time in Windows which normally causes it to synch with the time server. Since that option is turned off, I figured it couldn't hurt to try and kill the process too. No luck even finding it in Vista.

    I'll just assume it's a bug for now and... *sigh*... reboot every time. Too bad Vista takes what seems like forever to boot up. :(
  15. ralphrmartin

    ralphrmartin Member

    I get this bug too.
  16. sparky

    sparky Junior Member

    Thank-you for your confirmation. At least I can stop banging my head against the wall and just sit tight for an update.
  17. Archy

    Archy Bit poster

    Hello everybody!
    If you have problems with time sync in guest Vista please answer my questions:
    1. What edition of Vista (Business, Ultimate) do you have? Build number?
    2. Are Parallels Tools installed correctly? Can you use, say, Coherence?
    3. In guest OS open Parallels Tools Center -> Time Syncronization settings and check that it has status "Enabled"
    4. Is "Keep difference between primary and guest OS" enabled?
    5. What is "Synchronization interval, sec" value?

    Thank you for reporting.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2007
  18. sparky

    sparky Junior Member

    1. Vista Ultimate
    2. Tools works perfectly otherwise. Coherence, etc. working fine.
    3. Verified... Time Synch Enabled status
    4. No, Time Difference is not enabled.
    5. N/A

    Everything is set the same as in my Win XP SP2 installation where Time Synch works perfectly normal.
  19. Archy

    Archy Bit poster


    I'm sorry, please tell me your "Synchronization interval, sec" value too.
    And Vista build number please, is it RC1, RC2, RTM or release build?

    Thank you.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2007
  20. sparky

    sparky Junior Member


    It's set to 60 seconds but Time Difference is not enabled.

    I can not find a build version. It just says Vista Ultimate.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2007

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