This license has reached its activation limit and can no longer be used to activate new product

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by E.P1, Mar 20, 2022.

  1. E.P1

    E.P1 Bit poster

    I had Parallels on an older Mac and wiped the computer before getting rid of it. I just purchased a new MacBook Pro and installed Parallels. When I enter the activation key I get the message "
    This license has reached its activation limit and can no longer be used to activate new product copies."

    Please help

    Attached Files:

  2. McallenT@P

    McallenT@P Parallels Team

    Hello, Please provide the license key that you are facing an issue with and we will reset it. Thanks, Parallels Team.
  3. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

    Hello, we have sent you a private message. Kindly provide your license key over there to do the needful.

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