The virtual machine is not available, and more...

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration' started by hakan1, Mar 31, 2023.

  1. hakan1

    hakan1 Bit poster

    Hi everyone!
    I just bought parallels 18 on my new MacBook Pro m1. I had the 17 for a long time ago but removed it cuz I didn't need it.

    So now I bought the 18 and got a lot of troubles
    1. I download the parallels 18 from the site.
    2. I got this error -> The virtual machine Is not available (The virtual machines files have been moved or deleted ..... )
    3. I press cancel and it takes me to the step where I can choose to download windows 11 from mic or dvd/iso, I choose the left one, windows 11.
    4. when the installation is done, I got this error this times, "Technical Data Report" (A critical graphics error has occurred with windows 11.....)
    5. And after I press exit it only shows up a screen that says suspending... and I can't press anywhere....

    Where is the broken parth u think? U think it got destroyed at the first error or what do u think? I can't find anything on the internet....
  2. Pramesh Boodadoo

    Pramesh Boodadoo Staff Member

    If you are facing an issue with Parallels Desktop 18, for us to further investigate the technical issue, kindly provide us with the following information:
    1. Screenshot of error message you are receiving (if any).
    2. Kindly reproduce issue and collect a technical report (right-click Parallels icon in Dock > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and provide us with the report's 9-digit ID in reply to this post.


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