I need help. I have OS Lion / Win 7 / Parallels 7. I split the Mac`s hard drive (using MAC Disk Utility) to have a separate disk for my files. Mac sees both drives, but the parallels Windows see only his virtual drive C and part of the hard drive on which are all systems, but does not see the disk created by me for my files. How to make Windows to see all the drives? Thanks in advance Serge
I believe I have a similar problem. I have been running parallels successfully except I cannot see my mac folders or files. I saw an old thread on another site which said to check system preference on the mac and go to sharing and ensure that share files with windows is checked but I do not have this option. Also checked with a friend and hs set up (a laptop not an imac like mine) has a folder on parallels called home (not homegroups I can see that one and I have looked in there), which he clicks and it takes him to the mac finder. I can fairly familiar with configuring and think I have all the boxes ticked but not sure. One thing I did to was optimize for using revit as suggested on a revit forum. Any help appreciated. Thanks
Don't post your issue in different threads that have no relation whatsoever, also, don't post it in more than one place.
.....perhaps i am not as knowledgeable as yourself - To me the issue seems similar. My parallels cannot see the mac disk either. And as I am not sure exactly why or what the problem is I have posted in a few places where the issue seems similar. if you know what the issue is and have any helpful input, I would be most grateful ....thanks