I'm runing Suse 9.1 in my Parallels virtual maching. (I wanted to try out Parallels before dropping $$$ for Windows XP.) My Mac is connected to the network via an Airport network. If I set the VM's ethernet to bridging via the airport, I receive "network unreachable" errors when trying to ping from within the VM. (If I set the VM's ethernet to host-only, I am able to connect to my Mac -- and running internet sharing in the Mac, I can even ping outside web addresses.) Is this problem widespread or is it likely some sort of configuration problem on my end? Thanks! (I'm running Parallels Beta6 -- downloaded today.)
If you look through the forum, you will see that this is a known issue with Linux and DHCP via bridging to the AirPort interface. If you bridge the the wired Ethernet you will not have an issue. If you must use the wireless interface, there are two alternatives. One, assign a static IP, gateway, and DNS entries for the Linux interface -- you will need to determine the proper addresses for your network configuration. Two, use host networking and enable network sharing on the Mac between the Parallels adapter (usually en2) and the wireless adapter. Note, before starting network sharing on the Mac, the virtual machine must be stopped, and you must stop the Parallels DHCP service by running "sudo killall prl_dhcpd" in a terminal window. After learning this last part, network sharing works fine for me.