Upgraded suse 10.0 to 10.1, Parallels would not work. Tried recompiling, came up with Module.symvers file not in /usr/src/linux. Followed the prcedure at http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/feature/16340.html to establish file, still get errors, but different errors. tached is error log. Can someone telo me what is going on?
Can you pack /usr/lib/parallels/drivers and send to [email protected] with subject "SuSe 10.1 drivers compilation problem". You must run parallels-config before this.
I am no longer using suse 10.1. I need parallels so until this is corrected i am using kbuntu, where parallels works fine. don
What is time frame for fixing parallels to work in Suse 10.1, a week, two weeks, a month, or months or year? If it is only a couple of weeks, I will wait, otherwise, I will have to go back to Suse 10.0.
It is more than 2 weeks - because we'll be able to provide this fix only in new version of Parallels. Can't give you exact date - sorry.
Is there any possibility for a workaround or a patch in the meanwhile? Now i can not use your product i had payed for. I am using SuSE 10.1 - i dont wont to downgrade my system and i dont wont to downgrad my kernel. And whats about a new version: I have bought the actual version, do i have to pay a lot of money again? OK, you need some time to fix the problems, i understand. - How long does it take? Meanwhile other problems with SuSE 10.1 (comercial drivers) are solved - so my system works as fine as bevor execept your compiling problem. "can't give exact date" - is no acceptable friendly answer. I also want to know the approximately date. Please remember: Your company demands a lot of money, promises a very well working product for this money. I had already payed my bill -- and your product still doesnt install!
mmpm, you should refer to win4lin archives with regard to suse and the problems that related vendors have with their release cycle. for at least 7 years they have failed to release their sources with their upgrades - many times it is 6 months or more before they comply with their open source obligations, and they are notorious for making modifications. i know, i have used suse for years and faced this problem. you would be best served by not being on the bleeding edge if you are dependent on emulators/virtualizers. the problem is with suse - not parallels.
. mmpm, Please help me. I have looked everywhere on the Parallels website for the 10.1 compatable version. I can only find a version compatable with 10.0 and 9.3. Would you be so kind as to provide me with a link to the 10.1 compatable version? .
As yet there isn't any! Many people are waiting for the fix, the problem is NOT suse, its parallels. don
I found and fixed the problem: http://thomas.glanzmann.de/parallels/ please reply on email if you have something to say to [email protected]
Thanks for your patch! Now, compiling goes on and all drivers are compiled. But there is another error: The install-script ends with the following lines: Configuring Parallels Workstation 2.1 build 1670 Configuring Parallels Workstation 2.1 drivers... Compiling Parallels Workstation 2.1 drivers... Drivers have been compiled successfully. Installing drivers... Starting drivers... Loading Parallels Workstation 2.1 hypervisor ... insmod: error inserting '/usr/lib/parallels/drivers/hypervisor/hypervisor.o': -1 Unknown symbol in module Can not load hypervisor module. Parallels Workstation drivers were successfully configured and compiled but cannot be started (insmod command failed). Any idea? I am using SuSE 10.1 with kernel
Hello, most likely you compiled the module for a kernel you're currently not running. Please send me the complete output of: ( cd /usr/lib/parallels; ./configure; make ) &> /tmp/log to my eMail address [email protected] and don't forget to add the output of uname -r
Solved: Suse 10.1 + Parallels 2.1 Thanks! I did forget to do: make clean, make cloneconfig, make prepare-all. - Now all modules are successfully loaded and the programm runs!
Can somebody tell me wich file should be patched ? And... excuse my ignorance but what is the command line to use to patch the file ? Thanks !
It is very easy: First you have to download the patch. Rename the file 'patch' to an unique name, for example: patch.parallels-2.1 Next you copy this file to /usr/src/linux/scripts On a terminal go to this directory and invoke the following command: patch < patch.parallels-2.1 That's all. It is not necessary to specify the name of the file to patch. Additional after patching, i recommend to execute: make clean make clone-config make prepare-all Then installing should work.