Support..or NOT

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by AlanJ2, Jul 1, 2021.

  1. AlanJ2

    AlanJ2 Bit poster

    I recently made a purchase of Parallels Desktop and on my Dashboard it states 'Parallels Desktop for Mac For 3 Computers'. So I install it on my desktop, install Windows - no problem. Then I decide to put it onto my Macbook Pro - 3 computers remember, and I am told I have to purchase another licence..err 3 computers remember. I then contact the 24/7 Support which takes 2 days to answer, and that is when the problems start. I am told that my licence is for 1 computer, errrrr see above...then I am told I have two legacy licences which cannot be installed on the latest version of OS X, what have legacy licences got to do with it anyway, I don't want to install a legacy version, which I am told are no longer supported anyway. This was a NEW licence and on the basis of what I read, for 3 devices, I got another copy of Windows 10 and now I am screwed, unless I move the licence each time I want to use the other device, I should not have to do that. Currently I am on an email tag which only elicits a response every 24 hours, which I guess is at the end of someone's day. To say the least I am NOT a happy camper
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    is it possible to share the screenshot with information about the 3 licenses (license for 2 Mac)?
  3. AlanJ2

    AlanJ2 Bit poster

    I have attached the image - it says for 3 devices

    Attached Files:

  4. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    From the screenshot, it shows you have 1 active subscription and 2 legacies total of three. If you wish to use an additional Mac, with the latest version then you have to buy an additional license. You can refer to this article for our license policy which clearly states that you may use one copy of the Software activated by a license key on a single instance owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by you.

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