Support for Mac OS Developer build VMs?

Discussion in 'Feature Suggestions' started by jamie, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. jamie

    jamie Bit poster

    I happen to be fortunate enough to work for an organization that maintains an ADC Select account. I was wondering if there is any possibility of installing the developer seed for Snow Leopard in the virtual machine. I realize that this is likely going to affect a miniscule number of users, but I don't see the harm (and I don't see why Apple would object) to users virtualizing beta OSes.
    Granted I would not object if Apple were to allow full Mac OS X virtualization, it would certainly make my life easier in a number of cases.

    I tried, and all I got was "This is only allowed for Leopard Server"

    I realize this is more of a legal issue than a technical one, but it would be really really nice....

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