Successful BootCamp>hdd img>virtual but ?s.

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by DocB, May 6, 2007.

  1. DocB

    DocB Junior Member

    I successfully migrated my BootCamp Wxp install to hdd image with Transporter then created a VM from that. All runs just fine but some questions remain.

    When the VM is up and running there always is Parallels Tools setup disk mounted on virtual drive D. It can not be ejected. If I suspend the VM Parallels Tools always has to reinstall when the VM is resumed. Is this normal behavior?

    As to Wxp services. Are there any particular ones that Parallels must have running to work properly? I ask this because on my real Wxp box I have tweaked the services to stop those that are not really necessary to save memory and cpu cycles.
  2. DocB

    DocB Junior Member

    Solved the Parallels Tools setup disk mounting problem. Realized after reading some other posts here that I had left the DVD/CD-ROM setting pointing to the virtual PTsd instead of to the real DVD/CD-ROM. That also solved the suspend-reinstall problem.

    Moral: After setting up your VM and installing Parallel Tools point DVD/CD-ROM to the real thing.
  3. steffi

    steffi Bit poster

    could you describe how you were able to get a virtual drive from bootcamp partition?

    ie. which options in Transporter did you choose?

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