Strange duplication

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by EnnoB, Oct 17, 2010.

  1. EnnoB

    EnnoB Bit poster

    Hi, I'm new on this forum. I'm running Parallels 6 + Windows XP on an iMac (latest 10.6). Since a couple of days each time I start Parallels it creates a new virtual machine, i.e. XP->XP(1)->XP(1)(1)...
    When I click on a previous machine in the VirtualMachines List menu, it says that no files are available for the machine in question.
    Any kind of hint, tip and the like is more than welcome...
  2. joevt

    joevt Forum Maven

    Remove all your virtual machines from the virtual machine list but don't move them to the trash yet.

    Go into your old virtual machine file (right click the .pvm and "Show Package Contents") and move the .hdd out. Move the .pvm to the trash.

    Create a new virtual machine (without installing Windows) and add the .hdd to it.

    Then boot the new virtual machine. Does it fix the problem?
  3. EnnoB

    EnnoB Bit poster

    Tnx for the rapid info. Looks like if I boobytrapped myself: I had forgotten to close the door after working on the settings!

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