Stop Stealing the Focus from another application!

Discussion in 'Feature Suggestions' started by JanusN, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. JanusN

    JanusN Bit poster

    Could there be an option to stop the guest OS from stealing the focus on the host OS?

    I am currently running Parallels 5 on Snow Leopard with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate as guest OS.

    The way that Parallels steal the focus on Mac is very user unfriendly. Most applications on Mac does not steal focus from another active process. They prompts politely in the background with their dock icons bounce and showing a badge instead.

    Could this be fixed? I don't want the annoying behavior carried over from Windows!

    Thanks a ton for correcting it.
  2. alan138

    alan138 Bit poster


    Actually what really gets me is when parallels steals focus when I suspend or shutdown a VM.

    I've just told it to shutdown - I don't care when that has happened!

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