Hi, When I connect my Speechmike 3500 it causes the Apple trackpad mouse to become very erratic. It is difficult to use as it jumps around so much. The mouse is still normal in the Mac environment and if I am in coherence, it works fine as well. When the Speechmike is disconnected, the problem immediately ceases. I also have to manually release the mouse with control-alt while the Speechmike is connected. I have downloaded the Philips Device Control and turned off all mouse functionality of the microphone and have turned off the trackball. To further confuse matters I have 2 Windows 7 virtual machines that have this problem and one Windows 7 virtual machine that works perfectly. However, when the Speechmike is attached to the VM that works, I get an error about unable to "connect Mixer Device 0". The VM that works, wasn't working until I started to get this error. Any help is appreciated.