Sound in VM and AD

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by schmittg, Apr 14, 2006.

  1. schmittg

    schmittg Bit poster

    I got windows 2000 running in the VM as a member computer of my AD domain. My profile on the domain is a roaming profile, so everything gets copied to the server on login/logoff. It works amazingly fast with no problems what so ever as long as the sound is disabled. Once I enable it, and I log on to the domain, the windows sound plays a for a short second and then just hangs....

    Setup on Host:
    MBP 2.16 GHZ 2gb ram using airport with DHCP to my PDC.

    Setup on Guest:
    Windows 2000 SP4 with bridged ethernet, DHCP to my PDC. expanding HD with 512MB ram, setup as a member computer to my AD domain.

    All the dns is setup correctly, as well as WINS and DHCP
    Let me know if you can use some more info...


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