Some web pages load and some don't

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by emschief, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. emschief

    emschief Bit poster

    I have parallels on a macbook and airport as the network. Suddenly not all of my web pages can load. I cannot get Google, Yahoo, Ask, MSN to load but many of my favorites do. I have tried tinklering with all of the settings without success. I've also got one my work sites loading, but I'm getting an xml error message once I'm in
  2. constant

    constant Forum Maven

    Sounds like it could be a problem with cookie settings.
  3. emschief

    emschief Bit poster

    I thought of that, but it happens for sites I tried for the first time. It seems to be affecting search sites more than anything else. I deleted the cookies under internet options. I entered Google by the numeric address and got the same response.
  4. joem

    joem Forum Maven

    It sounds as if something is interfering. Did you download and install anything you weren't sure was safe? Could you have a virus. Do you have some ISP's magic not-too-clear-what-it-does-but-they-want-me-to-install-it stuff?
  5. emschief

    emschief Bit poster

    Nope! No viruses detected. No spyware and I haven't downloaded anything. It's bewildering, because many sites are fully accessable, but so many of the sites that are not have to do with search engines. I think this happened after the 10.4.7 update. I also have boot camp on gthe machine and when I use Windows via BC, everything works fine.
  6. joem

    joem Forum Maven

    As an experiment, perhaps you could download and install either Netscape or Firefox, and try it with the default settings. If that works, your IE settings may be at fault (or you may just want to use another browser).
    Other than that, I'm out of ideas.
    Good luck.
  7. constant

    constant Forum Maven

    That's all the ideas you need on that that front Joe. Changing browser should be considered an absolute must.

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