Solidworks - graphics bug in PD16

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by LoveK, Nov 22, 2020.

  1. LoveK

    LoveK Member

    The release notes for 16.1.1 states "Resolves an issue with graphics artifacts in SOLIDWORKS 2020".
    The Solidworks 2020 graphics bug is still there with the 16.1.1 release, I have to use the bootflag video.gl3=0 to make it work.
    Please don't say you have fixed it if you have not.
    And afaik the bootflag fix does not work on Big Sur and that is a HUGE problem.
    Report ID: 355227908
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, thank you for sharing your feedback here.
    Please check your inbox
  3. RaffaeleD1

    RaffaeleD1 Junior Member

    Just updated to 16.1.2. Bug still present. No difference between line ad construction line and still not possible to enable "enhanced graphics perfomance". Must continue using "video.gl3=3".
  4. JeffG11

    JeffG11 Bit poster

    Hi, I'm running Parallels 16.5.0 on a 2019 Macbook Pro 16" with Catalina (10.15.7). I also have the bug with Solidworks 2020 showing dashed construction sketch lines as solid (Win10 guest OS). The video.gl3=0 flag does appear to solve the issue.

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