I just installed Parallels Desktop and the Windows 11 Virtual machine. I tried to install SolidWorks Connected. This is the version of locally installed SolidWorks that is available through a SolidWorks Makers subscription. The installation failed to install the component "XWB - 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS Professional". Are there any known issues and/or solutions for installing this software? Thank you
With some help from the Solidworks Maker's forum I have resolved the issue. I will post the steps that worked for me here for the benefit of other's that might be searching. After the installation of Solidworks Connected failed the following steps worked 1) uninstall and reinstall both the the Microsoft Visual C ++ redistributables (one is ARM and the other x86) To do this, there are two .exe files buried in the Solidworks program files. Run them to uninstall the redistributable and then run them again to reinstall. Their location is: C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B426_Cloud\win_b64\VCRedist143\code\bin 2) uninstall Dassault Systemes SOLIDWORKS 3DEXPERIENCE R20XXx right click on the Windows Start menu, choose programs, locate the app in the list and uninstall it 3) install Solidworks Connected. open your Solidworks Maker's web dashboard and click "install" next to Solidworks Connected. If the installation refuses to proceed because the target location still has files in it, use File Explorer to remove them (I just dragged them to the desktop) then the Installer should proceed and complete the installation of Solidworks Connected.
Hello! In order to proceed with further investigation, kindly provide us with the below information: 1. Reproduce the issue. 2. Provide screenshots of the error message 3. Collect a technical report (right-click Parallels icon in Dock > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and send the report's 9-digit ID in a reply. Thank you!
I removed and deleted the VM. Created a fresh Windows 11 install, like before. The software installation failed exactly as it did before. I have the log generated by the installer but I can't attach the txt file here Technical Report ID = 475507144
With some help from the Solidworks Maker's forum I have resolved the issue. I will post the steps that worked for me here for the benefit of other's that might be searching. After the installation of Solidworks Connected failed the following steps worked 1) uninstall and reinstall both the the Microsoft Visual C ++ redistributables (one is ARM and the other x86) To do this, there are two .exe files buried in the Solidworks program files. Run them to uninstall the redistributable and then run them again to reinstall. Their location is: C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B426_Cloud\win_b64\VCRedist143\code\bin 2) uninstall Dassault Systemes SOLIDWORKS 3DEXPERIENCE R20XXx right click on the Windows Start menu, choose programs, locate the app in the list and uninstall it 3) install Solidworks Connected. open your Solidworks Maker's web dashboard and click "install" next to Solidworks Connected. If the installation refuses to proceed because the target location still has files in it, use File Explorer to remove them (I just dragged them to the desktop) then the Installer should proceed and complete the installation of Solidworks Connected.