NO FAQ BUILT-IN WHATSOEVER in case the usual BS msg hits the user. So the question ius: just how TF should I convert my perfectly fine Bootcamp Windows 7 partition into a PD5 VM? Because when I tried it did nothing but gave me some retarded error about not being able to mount my BC partition (let alone detected 3 partitions: one 0.1GB sized NTFS (normal w/ W7), one ~32GB NTFS (normal w/ W7) and ANOTHER 32GB "Data partition" (WTF?) Moreover tit tells me to use DIsk Utility to mount it back to Mac - which is obviously some crap by itself because it is NTFS so I doubt without installing some third-party stuff (NTFS-3G etc) it would work anyway. SO AGAIN: JUST WTF IS THER POROPER WAY TO TURN MY PERFECTLY WORKING W7 BC SETUP INTO A PD5 VM????