So... is this possible? Transporter-related question

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by hungarianhc, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. hungarianhc

    hungarianhc Bit poster

    Hi all,

    I've been running Parallels for a few months and I love it. My macbook is my personal computer, and I hate traveling with my work laptop, a clunker dell. So I used transporter to copy the image from the dell to my macbook and now I only need to travel with one notebook!

    So, that's the good news.

    My company wants to "update" my computer with the newest software (Office 2008, vista, etc). I need to give them back my computer, they'll update it, then give it back to me. The problem is that all my files and sync'd outlook mails are on the "copy" of the harddrive on my macbook that parallels runs. Would it be possible to push the parallels image BACK onto the work laptop, get my work laptop updated, then move that back to the macbook??


  2. cp1160

    cp1160 Junior Member

    Transporter - Upgrade Issue

    I'm not an expert with Transporter - only tried a little bit, but have an easy solution for ensuring you keep all your emails. Create an Archive in Outlook (I'm assuming Outlook). Make sure all your emails are in the archive - it's quite easy.

    1) Select the appropriate folder(s) in the Folder List.
    2) Under the File Menu in Outlook select Archive
    3) In the Archive Box that appears select the appropriate folder.
    Note: I back up one folder first to an archive
    4) Select an older than date of the current date
    5) Browser to a Shared Folder or enter a shared folder location for the archive
    6) Click OK. Wait a while - outlook should say it is Archiving
    7) When it is done you need to open the archive
    8) Go to File Menu, Select Open and Select Personal Folders File (.pst)
    9) Browse to the archive you just created
    10) Make sure all your emails are in the archive - if not, you can now drag copy or drag move all the emails to the Archive Folder that will appear in the folder list.
    11) Create additional subfolders in the Archive as needed - right click on the folder and Select "New Folder" and create a new folder as needed.
    12) Drag copy or drag move (Right Click and drag) as needed
    13) When you are done you should have a very large .pst file on your shared folder.
    14) Close the Archive File (right click Close)
    15) Copy / Backup the archive file you just created to be sure you are backed up
    16) Backup all documents and other files to your shared files and backup

    17) Get your laptop upgraded
    18) Copy over the old laptor as before with Transported

    19) When the updated configuration is completed, launch Outlook

    20) Open your Outlook Archive - File Menu, Open, Select Personal Folders
    21) Open the Archive Folder that appears in the Folder Window
    22) Either keep your emails in this folder (recommended) or drag back to your main Outlook or Personal folders.

    I hope this helps a bit - might not be all you wanted, but I have copied more than 8 gb of email using this method and other than chewing up a bit of hardrive I have never had a problem.

    Others can help better with a pure Transporter strategy if it works, but this is a safe way to maintain good email archives.

    I hope this is all accurate....I typed it from memory since I was not near an Outlook application to confirm. I've done this a 100+ times and hope I remembered it all.


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