Snow leopard Server/Parallels 8

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by BeefyMoore, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. BeefyMoore

    BeefyMoore Bit poster

    Parallels 8 installed on 10.7 machine (Intel Mac Pro).

    Simply cannot get Snow Leopard Server to install. I am using an installation DVD, which is not machine specific, but the furthest I get is a grey screen with the apple logo, the VM just sits at that point and goes no further.

    I have looked through some of the other threads and tried some of the routines, but, it simply will not install.

    I have tried two different installer discs, two different disk images. Both installer disks will boot the machine and attempt and install when using outside of the VM, so no issues with the discs.

    Surely there must be some kind of official documentation regarding installation of Guest OS's other than Windows?
  2. BeefyMoore

    BeefyMoore Bit poster


    Finally found a fix. After trying 3 separate installation DVDs (all of which were not machine specific, each one would actually boot the computer to perform the install), three different 10.6 install disc images, including one which was downloaded from the developers site. Burnt the last disc image onto a DVD, not as a bootable DVD, just as a .dmg file onto a data DVD. I then managed to get the VM to perform the installation by selecting that .dmg which was located on the DVD, (the same .dmg that was located on my Desktop), and the installation of the VM began, although still in progress as I write this post.

    Don't know why the .dmg on the DVD works and the one on the Desktop doesn't, but, the fact that it is finally doing it is all that I am bothered about.

    My final thoughts on this are, if the software is now at version 8, Parallels should really have this problem sorted out by now. Scouring this forum and Google it seems that this issue is not uncommon. If they claim that a Guest OS can be installed either by DVD or .dmg, then it should just work.
  3. MichaelLAX

    MichaelLAX Member

    I think that Parallels assumes that you would have purchased a Snow Leopard Server DVD and that is what you are using to install into Parallels. Anything else raises all sorts of issues that Parallels does not want to aid or abet.
  4. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    Guys, could you please post problem report IDs when you fail to run your Snow Leo VMs? Just hit Help-->Report a Problem and post the IDs here.

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