I have a mid-2015 15" Retina MBP. 1Tb SSD, 16Gb RAM, running Parallels 14.1 The reason I run parallels is because of safety, ie. there is a sound snapshot regime. BUT the snapshot regime has been failing. Previously I asked to keep 1 daily snapshot, but when a disaster hit they were a week apart. I thought it might be me, se I opted to keep one daily snapshots, ie. every 24 hours, and a maximum total of 3. Now I find NO SNAPSHOT HAS BEEN TAKEN SINCE I STARTED THIS. The machine and VM are permanently on. The system crashed and it started taking a snapshot when booting. This is clearly UNACCEPTABLE. I have no lost a lot of data and need now to go to TimeMachine and try to restore the VM (what a joke). File 1 shows the snapshots taken since 27/3, ie. 3 days ago - NONE. It only started to take a snapshot when booting (worst time ever to take a snapshot). File 2 shows my snapshot setting. It is NOT allowing me to upload simple 60k PNG files, your forums are screwed as well. So I had to restore to 27/03 to get working, this is complete crap. Please FIX - this is VERY BAD