Below are some suggestions for Sitebulider 1) Allow more than 1 page deep. If this causing issues, allow Sitebuilder 2nd level pages to display only on secondary buttons the sub pages. You don't have 2nd layer page buttons primary. Just the ability to create more than 1 layer deep would be nice even without button/path/layer control. 2) Create 2nd Layer HTML pages to use with 2nd level Sitebuiler. This would elliminiate probem associated with Sitebuilder Template scheme flow throughout Sitebuilder objects. 3) Create a LOGIN / LOGOUT feature. This would utilize the REGISTRATION MODULE. Put the REGISTRATION MODEL DATA FOR USERS IN A SEPERATE SQL DATABASE. This would allow 3rd party support for user data. Allow the registration module to be virtual, allowing sysop to add fields and populate title, allowed content(numeric, alphanumeric, text, etc). 4) Create a Document Manager. This would be simular to the Image Gallery, which would allow sysops to be able to upload documents to the default /httpdocs/ dir. It would allow sysop to control type of page opening, either in same window, new window, subwindow, etc. A user download function built into this also would be nice to allow the sysop to allow or disallow the download of the documents. 5) Create a File Manager. It would be a seperate module from the Download File module already in Sitebuilder. This module would work again much like the Image Gallery, to allow sysop to upload, download, organize, set file permission levels as per the LOGIN / REGISTRATION MODULE security level setting for users to be able to upload or download a file. The physical paths to these files would be definable by sysop. The path for the download would be masked to the user and the user would not know the true path of the file(unlike the Hyperlink Manager //file command). 6) Create a Streaming Media Manager. This would utilize the Windows Media Streamer 9 which would also require a seperate server for media content. This module would simply be a Media Manager, controlling how data is opened in full window, half window, sub window, same window, etc. Also would use the user access levels set in Registration Module and LOGIN Module. 7) Allow Sitebuilder sysop to define SQL settings, unlike the way it is now. It is hardcoded for SQL presence but we should be able to set these parameters with a Recongfigure utility much like Plesk. I'm loosing customers because they simply cannot add pages to their sites. These additions will really help us and give the software(Sitebuilder) and extra punch. Thanks, Dave.